Monday, May 31, 2010

Army Holiday

Today I woke up early during a holiday. Why? Because of the dogs. I shouted. I waited for my brother to get up from sleep and ask him to throw firecrackers to the dogs. It worked :D The dogs shut up except for the tiny stupid dog. After that, I used the laptop, shower and finally went off to grandma house. We spent the whole afternoon there and after that my mom sent me to arena for training. It was fun. No need to run for long time. Like sprinting. After practice, I jog to OGDC to meet my mom. She went there with my brother and sister for jogging. Then we went home. Before I enter the car, I jumped over the rail. Not that high. Less than 1m and less than 1/2 m. Then I got in the car. I went home and used the latop then shower and finally eat my dinner.

I've been listening this song over and over again. Enjoy your day :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The tall one in red

I went for mass and I was so tired. I sat beside this family where this little girl keep on looking at me. Weird. I didnt see MWC there. We went out of the church after communion cause my dad needs to go somewhere. So we went to tapau kolomee at Miang Tang. I went to all 3 stalls in there just to get nasi katok. But then, all finish. Spoiler. On the way out, something awesome happened!
I saw Percy Jackson in red at the entrance. I first walk pass him and I turn back to wave back. He wave back at me :DDDDDDD He was wearing red with trousers and sneakers. He's so tall. I went in to the car and I just look back at him. There's pimples on his cheeks. Does it mean that he had been kissed? HAHAHAHA Well, I miss him. I finally get my nasi katok from WYWY. But then theres nuts in it.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Blues 2

Continueation... Saa asked me about the Milo that I tweeted in twitter. Follow me and you'll know whats going on. @adrianannadam And then Jose asked me also the same thing. After that, I went jogging for 2 rounds. And stretch after that. After doing those, we had our rehearsal. Its funny all the way. After that, we had our 4x4 running stuff. I dontknow whats it call but I participated. I love long distance running. Blue house got the first place. After that, I called to go home early. Well not home, to grandma's place. Showered there, watched tv, ate, drank and waited for my lesson to begin. After lesson, I got home and studied for maths. Thats all what im gonna blog about the Blues. Thank you.


I forgot to blog earlier on! Oh my. Hello once again! Alright, I woke up early today and went tweeting on my bed using PSP. Too lazy to grab the laptop from the desk so I didnt play Beach City in the morning. I was sooooo lazy. I even wait for my maid to pass by my room then I asked her to make me Milo. I drank it on bed too. I ddint brush my teeth before drinking. At least Im honest right? After drinking milo, I went to hit the shower and went off straight to arena padang. Crowded. I went infront of the stand, there goes Saa calling me. To Be Continue............

Thursday, May 27, 2010

9th Champ for AI


So Amaths was just good enough. Easier than the topic test my teacher gave.
Road traffic was alright. I saw Nicole. I meant Nicole Shim. Not Nicole Justin Gaston. Anyways, I think we did well. Especially for the starters, they're better than me especially Ryan. Not Ryan Shecklar. Some of the guys gave a Hello to me and I ignore. Causeeee I only want one and thats Percy Jackson :D I saw Dalbert and I actually wanted to talk to him about something. But then, he's getting ready for his game .Eyer. Spoiler. I didnt see Sajjad. Was hoping to see him. After our game, we went to Ideal and ordered drink before the crowd gets there. I ordered Iced Chocolate and Flavoured fries. Zana, Sophia and Raihan went to the exibition hall while I was waiting for my food to arrive. It took so long. Should've asked from Meatballs instead. In the restaurant, Nicole's friend, whose name was Siti I think ( I saw her nametag on her shirt) asked me for my email. I gave but i dont know whether its correct or not. Cause all I was thinking during that time was the Flavoured fries and also Percy Jackson :D I seriously dont like using mobile phones. Im getting the hand of using PSP instead. The food arrived, I ate it bla bla bla. We saw Jek, jogging for about 2 rounds around. So brave. What if I do that around my neighbourhood? Mr M called me Kpg Baru Cyclist HAHAHAHA I rarely cycle around my neighbourhood. You know why? Its because I hate the view and I hate people staring at me especially INDONS AND INDIANS. GOT IT?! I WANNA SWIM SINCE I CANT SURF.

Im gonna watch AI later since I missed it in the morning.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Run baby run

I had this dream about running away from my uncle OneFourOneZero. My brother, cousin and I were running away from him in the Mall, the home of poklens. I ran barefooted. Having Amaths exam later. Hope I'll pass get the highest among my marks. I want amaths and POA to be the highest in my Report Card :D

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Yesterday (Tuesday, my happy day. 25/5/2010) I officially talked with Percy Jackson on Facebook. He chats like we're in a relationship. I remembered. But the thing was, I went of9 after he appeared online. He texted me and I didnt get to receive his text. All because of you laptop timer! Its my fault too for not doing my time management. Well, there's always other time.

Last night I dreamt of him! He sat beside me during exam. And when my mom woke me up for school i slept back. While sleeping, I dreamt about him. Yes Percy Jackson with my father and I. Too lazy to tell the story here. Only few know so far. Sooo YEAH! Hope he chats with my tonight.

Operation 2: He MUST text me or Chat with me just like last night.

"if i appear offline u wont get to chat with me"
"buy ticket la follow me go"


MY WATCH WAS SCRATCHED TWICE! DAMN IT! Not even one year and its scratch. All because I wore it to school. I have to. Cause Im not comfortable without watch. My watch is Adidas by the way.


MY WATCH WAS SCRATCHED TWICE! DAMN IT! Not even one year and its scratch. All because I wore it to school. I have to. Cause Im not comfortable without watch. Hmmmmmm

After CSI NY

So I said Im gonna blog right after I watch CSI NY. Well I didnt. But at least I did it.
Im not in the mood to blog right now. I dont know why. After chatting with him, my feelings changed. Well, Im gonna stop till here.

Monday, May 24, 2010

A happy day

I feel so happy today. I dont know why but yeah. Let me list the points why am I happy today
  1. Rena and Edwin made me laugh non stop in class just now. She took the broken leg from the chair and chase Edwin around the class HAHAHAHAHA
  2. I got enough words for my BM1
  3. Bio1 was a bit hard
  4. Bio2 was okay. Just the section B a bit hard. But overall, Bio1 is harder
  5. My english teacher told me about CSI NY. She said Danny was paralised. Alright.
  6. I get to watch CSI NY later at 6.30pm. The repeat one from last night.
  7. I get to eat an empthy pau.
  8. Tomorrow is physics exam. I get to study a bit.
  9. I reached 3000000 in beach city.
Thats all I guess. 9 points. I might blog tonight again right after watching CSI NY

Chat log says:
Psst adri
Parkour says:
yeah says:
Parkour says:
im blogging says:
Woah, blog bout me lh. I text u aha xp
Parkour says:
HAHAHA alright wait
I post this chat log
HAHAHA sakai :
:P says:
Bh post lh u riana
Parkour says:
okay wait

Why I did this? Reason is up there.


Once again, HELLO! Im listening to Miley cyrus's I look at you. I like it. Im here to post about something. And thats right. I want to have a VLOG or maybe a youtube account to talk about my life instead of typing it here. But the problem is, I have no webcam. Isnt that awful? Well, I know someone that looks like AJ Rafael. Here's the picture of him. Guess who im referring to and you win something from somewhere.

aj rafael Pictures, Images and Photos

Here's the song im listening while posting this post.

Buzzing Exams

Hello everyone :) So yesterday, many of my friends on facebook is talking about exams. It's not a big deal. Oh com'on. We have this like every year. I dont worry about my marks yet cause the report book is with teacher and some of our papers havent mark. Let's start what I did today..

I woke up late for school always as usual. I was so tired. Did I mention to you readers about me falling asleep doing maths revision? I seriously did and when I woke up, my text book was filled with my saliva. So whatever I dont care its human nature when you get really tired. We had assembly today. Why? I dont know. Its exam week. Urg. Why not some entertainment from Justin Bieber? Isnt that wonderfull for an assembly instead of some boring plays and dramas.

So we had English paper 2 first. It was kinda though like the teacher :P After English 2, we science students had our chemistry paper 1 and 2 after recess. The paper was even though. I regret for not studying the previous test. It came out excatly the same. Hehhh Well, I dont care. We cant change the past anyways. So why must care? When the bell rang its time to go home.

On the way down the stairs, I asked my english teacher to help me watch CSI NY and tell me tomorrow what happens. Hope she remembers. Thats it about school!
If you wanna exit my blog, you may if you wish cause Im not done yet. If you wanna continue reading, you're please to go on.

Obviously my mom picked us up today from school cause those CCMS kids finish their exams early. Thats good! I get to go home early. Did everything at home like this and that. I studied at 2 till 4. At 4, I watched CSI NY. Its the old season. Season 5 obviously. And at 5, I continued studying untill 5.30. I went off to the shower at 5.30 and continue studying at 6 till 6.20. I think I gonna stop here. Cause I want to do some other post.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

15 year old

Taj Burrow tweeted about this unbelievable 15 year old teen. Check it out at

Taj Burrow's twitter

Hot Sunday

I woke up at 6.50am at first and I slept back untill my mom woke me up at 7.05am. I really slept through those 15 minutes. Good. I actually wanted to on the laptop and play Beach City but then no. Beach City is a game from facebook which is awesome! I went off to the bathroom and showered and did this and that. After showering, I went twitting using my PSP while waiting for my mom and them to get ready. My dad and I are the ones that is always ready the earliest. For school, I'll be slow. After my family was ready for church, we went off.

Church was full. So we stopped and find a sit. MWC offered me to sit infront of her. So I did. Im sitting infront of MWC, beside Mr Lu's family and so on. Mass went on untill the end.

After mass, we went to PH for fellowship. Do this talk that. I saw Donny with a camera. It turned out to be his cousin's one. Sooooooo I waited for that to finish. Celine's using Justin Bieber's sneakers :P When it is ended, my sis brought me to the back to see Varman's guitar. I saw it a way long time ago. Thenn we went to the car. It's 1.30pm now and I have to study at 2pm for my Chemistry test tomorrow. Hope formulas and covalent bonds doesnt exist on the paper.

My Official Third Account

Look! I made a blog again for the third time. I deleted the previous accounts. Well, I'm back. Im gonna talk most of the stuffs that I do to entertain you people. This blog will be updated everyday. So dont miss out the one and only future professional surfer from Brunei. Thank you from your cooparation.

HAHAHAHA Doesnt it seems like advertising? Oh yeah! I love blogging.