Saturday, May 29, 2010

The tall one in red

I went for mass and I was so tired. I sat beside this family where this little girl keep on looking at me. Weird. I didnt see MWC there. We went out of the church after communion cause my dad needs to go somewhere. So we went to tapau kolomee at Miang Tang. I went to all 3 stalls in there just to get nasi katok. But then, all finish. Spoiler. On the way out, something awesome happened!
I saw Percy Jackson in red at the entrance. I first walk pass him and I turn back to wave back. He wave back at me :DDDDDDD He was wearing red with trousers and sneakers. He's so tall. I went in to the car and I just look back at him. There's pimples on his cheeks. Does it mean that he had been kissed? HAHAHAHA Well, I miss him. I finally get my nasi katok from WYWY. But then theres nuts in it.

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