Friday, August 27, 2010

Ten things I think today (Friday, 8/7/10)

  1. Do I even know how to tune my guitar if I buy one?
  2. Big spects was from the past
  3. Will I get a new guitar?
  4. Will you be going to the party tomorrow?
  5. Who will I see later at WYWY?
  6. Should I shower?
  7. Should I play game afterwards?
  8. I wonder what were they doing during school hours just now.
  9. What should I eat later at WYWY?
  10. Why did Miley and Liam broke up?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tennis at Thursday

I finally went tennis for the first time this month which is August. I played tennis with Naz and my mom, brother, sister and 2 cousins followed. They played their own. I won 6-3. Naz's serve was very fast. He kept on hitting high balls at first just like what my mom told me. Badminton style. Yeah. Thats right. Tomorrow, im going to buy a tuner for my guitar and will be going to the saloon to make my hair thinner. And also before I finish this off, IM NOT GOING FOR EXTRA CLASS TOMORROW :D Thank you.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dream On

  1. I was at a school where I saw someone with a thick mustache and I asked my friend Josh who is she. She said thats her teacher and they call him Sifu HAHAHAHA
  2. I was coughing and breathing blood
  3. I was at my grandparents house at night for a sleepover with my siblings and cousins when our parents went to KL. Before our parents left, a car arive with so many other small cars. One of the person I saw was Taylor Swift. I asked her to take a picture with me so I can show off on facebook that I met a celebrity.
  4. I dreamt of Harith talking to MWC privately about Viv cheating in the test. Then MWC told Viv off infront of the class that she cheated. Then she asked Viv and Harith to talk about their relationship outside :S
Thats all of my dream.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Back-Up Plan

I forgot to mention that I lost my eraser yesterday in school. I found my eraser today in the science room. Now, I lost my pendrive. Still gotta search for it.

Last few days, I planned to go skateboarding with Lex because she wanted to skate. I invited Hill and the others but they were busy and their parent doesnt allow them. So, its only 3 of us. Me, Lex and Hill. We were suppose to go skateboarding today actually at OGDC. It started drizzling about 3pm. The drizzle was like on and off untill 5pm then it finally stopped. We planned to go to OGDC at 5-7pm. Since, Hill and Lex stays in KB, maybe its raining there still. So they ddint come. Some other day will do.

I have a back-up plan to do at home if we didnt meet up. I planned to skate at home only. I saw my sis and my cousin playing so I joined them. Then we played together. My cousin thought me something very awesome to skate.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No teacher, no test

It was moments before maths period when I wanted to borrow textbook rom Year 8. Jose told me that her maths teacher and also my physics teacher didnt come to school. Since our teacher was the class teacher of year 8, we had our homeroom in the morning. Jose told me that her class teacher didnt come to the class. I was so happy. We were suppose to have a physics retest today because our test we did previously was very bad. Teacher said this to us "From the bottom of my heart, I was very sad marking your papers" After I borrowed the maths book, I saw the commerce teacher. I asked her if she my physics teacher is in school. She said no. I was very happy so as my friends. It means that we dont have to do the test. Our Physics period was taken by amaths. It means that we have amaths for 2 periods. Thats okay because the topic we're doing now is 'Inverse Function'

Saturday, August 14, 2010


My brother and sister recently told me that Nafi is selling surfboards. They said my cousin might buy for me for my birthday. I dontknow if it is true or not. But if they did, that will be my BEST birthday gift ever. My birthday's coming this September 7 for yo info. Soo I had a dream about surfboards.

My mom went shopping at Nafi and she asked me if I want to follow her or not. I agreed cause I wanted to check if they really sell surfboards. I went around and around the store but I didnt find any surfboards. I found awesome and unique stuffs to bring for swimming. I asked my mom if I could buy that and she said no. Thats all for now.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th, 2010

Nothing interesting happened today. We didnt have extra class today and thats good. I woke up around 9am today. Thats too early for me actually. The cutting and talking sounds distracting me sleeping. So, im getting older. I realise that the maximum sleep I can take is only 9 hours. That sucks a lot. I love sleeping for about 10-12 hours but now I cant unless I dont sleep for a day. The only place I find very peaceful in the morning is at my grandma's house in KB. I woke up and my mom asked me to get ready to go swimming. I had my breakfast and got ready my stuffs. We arrived at the club around 10.15am. The club's open. Good enough. We went there and before I enter the pool gate, I saw a pair of Nike sneakers and a pair of Ocean Minded flip flops. I told my mom that they were from Singapore cause I saw Ocean Minded store there. Unfortunately, there's none in Brunei. I sat on the bench and put my sun screen on before I enter the pool. I showed my brother the backflip that I did when I was swimming with my friends. He was amazed :P I did laps free syle. Thats my favourite. I did some frog styles also. After doing all those, I went to the baby pool where my siblings was. I raced with them running. I lost because I dont want to wall and hit my teeth on the curb or drain. After few minutes, the security called and told us it was time to get out of the pool. Prayer time for the muslims thats why. So I went and change and waited for my siblings to finish showering. I didnt shower. Just a quick change will do. We went off to grandma house right after we finish swimming at the club. I showered there. Watched tv for a while and we had our lunch. Its so hot. After lunch, I watched tv again. And after watching tv, my mom sent me for guitar lesson. After that, grandpa picked me up and go back to grandma house. Did some stuffs with my cousin and then my mom asked us to go home. We went home. I asked my mom to go and buy 'pulut panggang' from the market. She did. It didnt taste as good as my cousin's nenek make. Her's is still the best.

Monday, August 9, 2010


I bought a petling in Pet Society. I really need to spend my coins there. Its been a month I havent bought MANY stuffs. Mostly, one stuff for one week. I hate it. Im having so much coins but I dont know what to do. So I decided to buy a petling for myself. I hate taking care of it. Its so hard to feed him. I bought a lion and I named it 'Puck'. Thats the only idea I have. My pet looked so ugly. The colour especially. But imma keep it. And also, we have to buy the pet the food they want. Not us choose. I got ready 20 potatoes for him and he doesnt wanna eat it a all. So fussy.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Love the way you lie- Tyler Ward (Cover)


Sunday, 8th August

I woke up and got ready for church. We're having our SAS mass today. I paid a lot of attention during mass just now. Saw Nigel and Natasha. Bishop and father was there to celebrate the mass. In the thanksgiving song, they post our school activitiy pictures on the slideshow. It was very nice indeed. I really love SAS. I think our school reached 52 years today if im not mistaken. We celebrated our Golden Jubilee last 2 years when I first entered SAS. Awesome school (Y)

After church, we went to CAM to have our breakfast. I ordered murtabak kosong with kurma ayam. While I was eating my chicken, I fell on floor. Good thing there's not much meat left.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Latest note from Facebook.

Rule #1:
If you open this you take it.

Rule #2:
You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks.

Rule #3:
Tag as many random friends you want. Have fun!

Answer True or False

Q: Kissed someone on your friends list?

Q: Been arrested?

Q: Do you like someone?

Q: Held a snake?

Q: Been suspended from school?

Q: Sang karaoke?

Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?

Q: Laughed until you started crying?

Q: Caught a snowflake in your tongue?

Q: Kissed in the rain?

Q: Sang in the shower?

Q: Sat on a roof top?

Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

Q: Broken a bone?

Q: Shaved your head?

Q: Played a prank on someone?

Q: Shot a gun?

Q: Donated Blood?

Just be 100% truthful.


1. You hung out with?

2. You texted?
No one

3. You were in a car with?
Mom, cousins, siblings

4. Went to the movies with?

5. Person you went to shop with?

6. You talked on the phone?
No one

7. Made you laugh?

8. You hugged?

1. Sun or moon?

2. Winter or Fall?

3. Left or Right?

4. Sunny or rainy?

5. Where do you live?

6. Club or pub?

7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on?

8. Do you want to get married?
Dont know

9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?

10. What time is it?

11. Are you afraid of commitment?
Dont know

12. What is your greatest hope/wish?
Surfing through the waves

13. Do you cook?

14. Current mood?

1. Kissed someone?

2. Sang?

3. Listened to music?

4. Danced?

5. Cried?

6. Liked someone you can't?

1.Who was your first prom date?
No one

2. Who was your first roommate?
Dont know

3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time?
Red Vine

5. What was your first car?
Dont own one

6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing?
Dont know

8. Who was your first grade teacher?
Cigku Zeenat the only one i can remember

9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?

10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?

11. Who was your first Best Friend?
Got la

12. Who is your best friend?
Got la

14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
No one

15. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsman?
Uncle and Aunt's one

16. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning?
Guess for the time

19. First tattoo or piercing?

20. First celebrity crush?
Taylor Lautner

22. First crush?
Got la

Re-post as Thou Shalt Not Lie