Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th, 2010

Nothing interesting happened today. We didnt have extra class today and thats good. I woke up around 9am today. Thats too early for me actually. The cutting and talking sounds distracting me sleeping. So, im getting older. I realise that the maximum sleep I can take is only 9 hours. That sucks a lot. I love sleeping for about 10-12 hours but now I cant unless I dont sleep for a day. The only place I find very peaceful in the morning is at my grandma's house in KB. I woke up and my mom asked me to get ready to go swimming. I had my breakfast and got ready my stuffs. We arrived at the club around 10.15am. The club's open. Good enough. We went there and before I enter the pool gate, I saw a pair of Nike sneakers and a pair of Ocean Minded flip flops. I told my mom that they were from Singapore cause I saw Ocean Minded store there. Unfortunately, there's none in Brunei. I sat on the bench and put my sun screen on before I enter the pool. I showed my brother the backflip that I did when I was swimming with my friends. He was amazed :P I did laps free syle. Thats my favourite. I did some frog styles also. After doing all those, I went to the baby pool where my siblings was. I raced with them running. I lost because I dont want to wall and hit my teeth on the curb or drain. After few minutes, the security called and told us it was time to get out of the pool. Prayer time for the muslims thats why. So I went and change and waited for my siblings to finish showering. I didnt shower. Just a quick change will do. We went off to grandma house right after we finish swimming at the club. I showered there. Watched tv for a while and we had our lunch. Its so hot. After lunch, I watched tv again. And after watching tv, my mom sent me for guitar lesson. After that, grandpa picked me up and go back to grandma house. Did some stuffs with my cousin and then my mom asked us to go home. We went home. I asked my mom to go and buy 'pulut panggang' from the market. She did. It didnt taste as good as my cousin's nenek make. Her's is still the best.

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