Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dream On

  1. I was at a school where I saw someone with a thick mustache and I asked my friend Josh who is she. She said thats her teacher and they call him Sifu HAHAHAHA
  2. I was coughing and breathing blood
  3. I was at my grandparents house at night for a sleepover with my siblings and cousins when our parents went to KL. Before our parents left, a car arive with so many other small cars. One of the person I saw was Taylor Swift. I asked her to take a picture with me so I can show off on facebook that I met a celebrity.
  4. I dreamt of Harith talking to MWC privately about Viv cheating in the test. Then MWC told Viv off infront of the class that she cheated. Then she asked Viv and Harith to talk about their relationship outside :S
Thats all of my dream.

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