Friday, June 4, 2010

Backstage feat. Quinn, Jose, Celine, Me

This is a dream that I dreamt at night.

Rihanna was coming down the stage to sing. She was walking down the stairs. After her performance, the producer welcomed Rihanna again. She walked up the stairs and went behind the curtain. Show goes on with her while Quinn Fabray from Glee, Jose, Celine and I was at backstage in a group talking. I have no idea what we are doing.

Quinn was pregant. She was very shame and shy about it. I messaged her with my mobile and asked her this 'How come you're pregnant?' She didnt reply me. She asked me to come near her and she whispered to me 'I'll tell you later' I said 'Okay' Then Quinn asked me to ask Celine and Jose whether she can borrow their name. Cause in Facebook, she's shame and shy to use her own name. Just like Anna Yee's case. 'Kes Malu' They said no and I woke up. Quinn was so sad. I pity her a lot. THEN I WOKE UP.

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