Friday, June 18, 2010

GTA: Ad and Lex

Another dream that I dreamt last night (Friday; 06/18/2010)

Lex and I were in the same school. Our school had his sports festival and that includes the sport football. It was held in KB. The day before our sports festival, we also had this soccer match. I dont know who isit against but we lost the first match. The second match was on our sports festival. We won 1-0 with the help of the nains twins and Hui ming.

After the match, Lex told me to follow her somewhere. I forgot the name of the place. She sprint to Seria cause the place is there. I followed her. I just did striding. Yes, we escaped the sports festival. There was helicopter flying above Lex and she told me to come quick. There's another one trailling me. I ran to Lex and asked her what to do. She said we can transform into a car. So we did. We just drove as fast as a could to the place in Seria. The helicopter didnt trail us.

We arrived at the place. We went through 3 doors and the place was there. There were foods on the table in the third room. I asked Lex whether she came here just to have the 'first come, first serve' thingy and she said yes. No one was there so Lex took a plate and take some nasi briyani. After she eat it, she place it in the second room where the second door was located.

People started coming in and we acted normal. Nothing suspicious. When the host opens the dishes one by one, there I saw so many sweets. I regret for not checking all the dishes. If I knew there was sweets, I'll steal most of them. When people get their food and eat, I told Lex when we're about to go home, make sure we take mostly all of the sweets and put it in our pockets. BOOM! I Woke up from my dream. The end.

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