Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sports Day

We had our sports day at Arena Padang. I'm just gonna do some brief about it.
  1. Arrived at arena before 7am
  2. Waited
  3. Talked with AS
  4. We go in line to march down the track and to the field
  5. Did the national anthem and school song
  6. Opening ceremony for the sports day
  7. Played songs for entertainment. I seriously dont know how to play.
  8. 100m Groups
  9. Follow by cheerleadings
  10. 200m Groups for boys and girls started too
  11. Prize giving for the long distance
  12. Then goes this and that
  13. Interschool relay started
  14. Chung Hwa high standard eyh. Discipline again that they came early :P
  15. Then run here run there. Round and round.
  16. Prize giving again
  17. Then cheerleading again
  18. Houses relay comes next
  19. Prize giving
  20. Go home
I got 3 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals.

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