Monday, July 5, 2010


Ever heard of perfumes? Of course you do. My first time using perfume failed. I used it yesterday which was a Sunday. My first perfume was Barbie. Yeah. Even my aunt borrowed it in case she ddint bring hers. I got 3 of them. I use to spray them around and never use it for myself. Im growing up and I dont want to keep that. So I gave the Barbie perfumes to my sister. Now, here I have. The orginal perfume of mine. It's Adidas. I got it as a gift. My Barbie perfume was a gift too. The picture above, is my first Adidas perfume im having now. I have a story about perfume. Here is goes..

My brother, sister and I were playing at my cousin's house. Someone farted in the room. My cousin also owns the Barbie perfume. My brother suggested that we should spray the room with that. So we took one of the perfume and sprayed. The room smelled like perfume. When my cousin's mom came into the room, she smelled it. She asked who sprayed the perfume. We blame our cousin. She said that the perfume smelled like Indians HAHAHAHAHAHA And she took away the perfume. THE END.

Thats a real story actually.

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