Saturday, July 17, 2010

Twitter and bags.

I was at the school computer lab for computer class. Lex was on my right and A was on my left. Lex and I was twitting. As you all know, Twitter has been a good communicating system for most of us. I saw A on my left taking pictures of bags that she brought and uploads it on Facebook to sell. Yes, people sell things on facebook. I tweeted Lex about it that it was stupid taking pictures of bags and uploading it at SCHOOL. Cant they just do it at home? A called Y and she whispered to him. I hate Y. He's a copycat. I knew what they were whispering about. My ears are sharp okay. A asked Y to check on my twitter if I tweet bad about A. When I open my twitter tab, thre he goes. He grabbed my mouse and scroll down. Eventually, he doesnt know how to use. Bell rang.

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